There has been a big disclosure in the Nikki murder case in Baba Haridas Nagar, Delhi. Nikki and she had a fight after getting information about Sahil’s marriage. After this, Sahil called Nikki and said that let’s go for a ride in the car. After this, Sahil went for a car ride with Nikki. Where on the way he strangled Nikki to death. Not only this, Sahil kept moving Nikki’s dead body on the seat next to the driver for 40 KM on the streets of Delhi.

Nikki Murder Case: love, live-in relationship, murder, fridge and rounds, know what is the whole story

Actually, a shocking case came to light from Delhi on Valentine’s Day. The police arrested 26-year-old Sahil Gehlot on charges of killing his girlfriend. It is alleged that Sahil strangled Nikki to death in his car. After this, he also married the girl of the family’s choice. The incident came to light four days after Nikki’s murder.

During interrogation, the accused told that he was in a relationship with the girl since 2018. Both used to travel in the same bus to go to their respective coaching classes in Uttam Nagar, during which they became friends, after which they started meeting often before and after the coaching classes. After a few days, both of them took admission in Galgotia College, Greater Noida and started living together in a rented flat. During this, both together went to visit many places like Manali, Rishikesh, Haridwar and Dehradun.

The accused had not told his family about his relationship with the girl, her family members were constantly pressurizing him to marry. Finally in the month of December last year, his relatives fixed the date of his engagement and marriage on 9th and 10th February, about which the accused did not tell anything to his girlfriend Nikki but somehow Nikita came to know about it and she She started opposing him.

After this, Sahil made a plan to remove Nikki from the road and killed her by strangling her with the data cable of the mobile in his car on the night of February 9 and then dumped the body in a forest on the outskirts of the village with the intention of disposing of it later. He hid it inside the fridge kept in his dhaba on the vacant plot and locked it.

After Nikki’s murder, Sahil married another girl. He felt that his secret would not be revealed. Sahil hid Nikki’s dead body in the fridge for four days. On the other hand, when Nikki’s family did not talk to her for three-four days, she informed one of her known policemen present in the crime branch. When Nikki’s phone was put on surveillance, then the location of the dhaba was found, after that the police reached there and recovered the dead body. However, earlier it was being said that the police had received information that after killing a girl, the body was kept in the refrigerator of the dhaba.

After this the police arrested Sahil, during interrogation he confessed his crime. Baba Haridas Nagar police have registered a case under section 302, 201 of IPC. /wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-54.png /wp-content/uploads/2023/02/image-54-150x150.pngN27 NewsCrimefridge and rounds,live-in relationship,murder,Nikki Murder Case: loveThere has been a big disclosure in the Nikki murder case in Baba Haridas Nagar, Delhi. Nikki and she had a fight after getting information about Sahil's marriage. After this, Sahil called Nikki and said that let's go for a ride in the car. After this, Sahil went for...Pakad Har Khabar Par