There is a day in Valentine’s Week, “CHOCOLATE DAY” … which is celebrated on 9th February. Everyone likes to celebrate this day. Along with the young generation, craze is seen among people of all classes to celebrate this day. Chocolate is such a thing that everyone likes to eat. Especially women and girls like to eat chocolate more. Chocolate is very beneficial. Do you know that chocolate has many benefits? Or what is its history? Come on, let’s know….

The "CHOCOLATY" History of Chocolate!

There was a time in Central America when people used to buy goods from shops by giving cocoa beans. At that time chocolate was not made from cocoa. Rather, it was consumed as a soup or syrup. Let us tell you that along with time there has been a lot of change in the taste of chocolate. It is said that earlier the taste of cocoa was pungent.After which such a machine was made by which the pungency of cocoa was removed. Gradually, it was hardened by adding milk, sugar and butter to the cocoa and after that it was given the form of chocolate. It is believed that the cocoa tree was first seen in America 4000 years ago. Chocolate was made from the seeds of the beans of the cocoa tree in the jungles of America. America and Mexico were the first to experiment on chocolate in the world.

The "CHOCOLATY" History of Chocolate!

Let me tell you that while eating chocolate causes cavities in the teeth, it also has many benefits. Cocoa contains “feel-good” chemicals. Which calm and relax our mind. Chocolate contains tryptophan. It is a type of amino acid. It reaches the brain and produces serotonin, that is, the feel good chemical. This is the reason that no matter what the mood is, it improves a little after eating chocolate.Especially it acts as a pain reliever for girls and women during their mensural period. Controls their mood swings. Also, chocolate is very beneficial for health as well as for the skin. Chocolate body massage is also very good and relaxing. Due to which skin glow also comes and fatigue also disappears.

The "CHOCOLATY" History of Chocolate!

Like a pain reliever, in earlier times cocoa was used to buy expensive things. Today’s small bar of chocolate was as valuable as gold at that time. In earlier times cocoa beans were not less than any currency. In the early days it was used under barter system. That is, instead of cocoa beans, essential and valuable goods could be kept.Not only this, a paste of cocoa beans mixed with flowers is applied on the head of newborn children so that all the senses of the child are opened by its fragrance. Generally speaking, at that time cocoa had the same importance that turmeric has for us today.

The "CHOCOLATY" History of Chocolate!
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