Overhydration We all know how important water is for us. Many types of problems have to be faced due to lack of water in the body, but drinking excessive amounts of water can prove to be fatal. Recently, a woman died in America due to drinking too much water in a short time. So let’s know what happens when we drink more water than required.

Do you also drink excessive water, then know what are its side effects

Water has great importance in our lives. Even though we can go a day without food, it is difficult to spend without water. The human body contains about 70 percent water. It is believed that water helps remove toxic substances from the body. It is advised to drink sufficient amount of water to stay healthy, but consuming anything in excess is harmful for health. Yes, if you drink water in excess, it can prove dangerous for you.

Recently, a 35-year-old woman died in America due to drinking too much water. According to a report, Ashley Summers went on a holiday with her family on July 4. During this, Summers felt very thirsty, and he drank about four bottles of water in 20 minutes, due to which he died. Doctors told Water Toxicity as the reason for the death of the woman. Let us know what water toxicity and all the important things related to it.

What is water toxicity?
Water toxicity is called hyponatremia in medical language. This problem occurs when you drink too much water in a short period of time. In such a situation, an excess amount of water accumulates in the kidney. Actually, due to drinking excessive water, the level of sodium in the body becomes unbalanced, which is called water toxicity.

Sodium is very essential for bodily functions. It helps maintain the balance of fluids inside and outside the cells of the body.

What are the symptoms of water toxicity?
It is very important to recognize the symptoms of water toxicity. You may generally feel unwell in the initial symptoms.

  • Nausea
  • muscle cramps
  • Headache

If these symptoms are increasing rapidly in your body, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

due to water toxicity
Drinking too much water in a short period of time affects the body’s ability to regulate sodium levels. Although there can be other reasons for water toxicity. In which this problem can also occur due to health problems, medicines and unhealthy habits related to lifestyle.

Also, drinking too much water immediately after coming out of the heat can be dangerous. This can increase the risk of water toxicity.

How to avoid water toxicity
People feel very thirsty during the summer season. In such a situation, they drink more water than necessary. It is necessary to drink sufficient amount of water to keep the body hydrated. Drinking too much water in a short time can prove to be dangerous.

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